Unaspekov B. A., Adilbekov M. A.
Жылу өндіргіш қондырғылар: a textbook / B. A. Unaspekov, M. A. Adilbekov. Satpayev University, Almaty: Lantan books LLP, 2023.-187 p. figure 61. Table 7. List of references-9 titles.
The manual provides general information about steam boilers. Technical characteristics of energy fuel and the theoretical foundations of the gorenje phenomenon. The separation of focal structures also includes the features of solid fuel combustion and the kinetics of chemical combustion reactions. Gorenje Heating, industrial heating, naturally rotating drum and hot water boilers are provided. Fundamentals of operation of boiler plants and facilities for the procurement of fuel for heat generating plants.
The textbook is intended for students studying in the specialties 5B072900 “construction” (specialization “heat supply and ventilation”) and 5В075200 “engineering systems and networks”.