Unaspekov B.L.
Вентиляция и кондиционирование воздуха: Almaty: Lantar books LLP. 2023. — 276 p. Ill. 63, table 73, bioliogr. 54 titles.
The air and thermal modes of the premises are considered. Modern methods of calculation of ventilation systems and devices for civil buildings, the basics of designing ventilation systems, the aerodynamic foundations of the organization of indoor air exchange, the calculation of air ducts and channels of supply and exhaust ventilation systems are described.
The fundamentals of the theory and technology of air conditioning and refrigeration are described. Calculation methods are given, as well as modes of operation and regulation of the air conditioning system.
The textbook is intended for university students studying in the specialties: 5B075200 – “Engineering systems and networks” and 5B072900 “Construction” (specialization “Heat supply and ventilation”), and can also be useful for undergraduates and IT specialists in the design of ventilation and air conditioning systems.