Kosybaev Zh.Z., Danyarova A.S.
Экономика и основы менеджмента на транспорте: a textbook / Z.Z. Kosybaev, A.S. Danyarova. – Almaty: Lantar Books, 2022. – 298 p.
The textbook examines the main materials that form students’ transport worldview and knowledge, providing a comprehensive understanding of transport, its consistency, importance and role in modern society, for the country’s economy and consumer satisfaction in transportation. The manual lays the foundation for the presentation of the properties and characteristics of transport as a system of interconnection of space, time and costs for moving the object of transportation, the structure and content of transport processes, at the same time allows the objective need for public transport services and to form an idea of the components of transport, the conditions of its functioning.
The textbook is intended for full-time students enrolled in educational programs 6B07113 – “Transport, transport equipment and technologies”, 6B11301 – “Organization of traffic transportation and operation of transport”.