Прогнозирование развития вредителей и болезней полевых и овощных культур

Kalieva L.T.
Прогнозирование развития вредителей и болезней полевых и овощных культур: a textbook / L.T. Kalieva – Almaty, Almanac, 2019. – 118 p.

The textbook discusses the forms of forecasts used in plant protection, which are based on a scientifically sound system for collecting, processing, analyzing and summarizing information. Phytosanitary information allows an objective assessment of the current spread of harmful organisms in a given year and the prospect of their impact next year on the formation of the harvest of all crops and the quality of the products obtained. On this basis, rational preventive and protective measures are planned and implemented.

The manual is intended for students, undergraduates in the training of specialists in the agricultural profile of a new generation.