Введение в специальность архитектора

Abilov A.Zh.
Введение в специальность архитектора: Textbook / Abilov A.Zh., Almaty: Lantar books LLP, 2022. 104 p.

Introduction to a specialty is a discipline traditionally taught in universities to first-year students in order to convey to them the most important information about their future profession and develop sustainable motivation to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for practical activities upon completion of education. Thanks to this discipline, students receive general information about their profession, in this case, about the profession of an architect, about the history of architectural education, about outstanding architects of the past and present, and also get acquainted with the basics of professional training. The structure of the textbook is designed in such a way that the reader can get up-to-date information necessary for a successful start on the threshold of choosing and mastering a specialty.

The textbook was written within the framework of the project ARO8955550 Principles of training highly qualified specialists in the field of architecture and urban planning in the context of globalization and the search for national identity for grant financing of scientific and scientifictechnical projects by the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with a period of 12 months for 2020-2022.