Этномәдени концептінің семантикалық құрылымы мен лингвомәдени мазмұны

Kushtaeva M.T.
Этномәдени концептінің семантикалық құрылымы мен лингвомәдени мазмұны (according to the concept of “millet”). Monograph. – Aktobe: Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov, 2020- 216 p.

The monograph deals with the scientific and theoretical foundations, the pragmatic, presuppositional nature, the semantic structure and the place of the ethnocultural concept (the concept of “millet”) as a cognitive unit in the system of micro-, macro-concepts. The book is addressed to journalists, philologists, undergraduates and doctoral students dealing with issues of linguoculturology, ethnolinguistics, cognitive linguistics, eleum linguistics, linguistic and cultural studies in Kazakh linguistics and the general public.  >>read>>