Кәсіпкерлік: теория, процесс, практика

Кәсіпкерлік: теория, процесс, практика

Author: Donald D. Kuratko
ISBN: 978-601-7943-13-4
Language: Kazakh
Publisher: Publishing house “Kazakh University”
Year: 2018
Number of pages: 480


The material presented in the book “Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice, 10th edition” combines a theoretical and practical approach to understanding the theory, processes and experience of entrepreneurial activity. This book has not been inferior to leadership in the field of entrepreneurship teaching for more than 25 years. Creative exercises serve to actively present the entrepreneurial thinking style. Interesting tasks and cases will help students develop entrepreneurial skills.
The book, offered as one of the main textbooks of the MBA course in the Kazakh language, will also be interesting for the business community and for university students of the relevant profile.