Батыс философиясының жаңа тарихы. 2-том. Орта ғасыр философиясы

Батыс философиясының жаңа тарихы. 2-том. Орта ғасыр философиясы

Author: Anthony Kenny
ISBN: 978-601-7943-00-4
ISBN: 978-601-7943-02-8
Language: Kazakh
Publisher: Publishing house “Kazakh University”
Year: 2018
Number of pages: 400

Sir Anthony Canney continues his leadership of research on the new history of Western philosophy, which covers a period of more than a thousand years, starting in 400 AD. The book presents an analysis of philosophical thoughts from the founding of Christianity and Islam to the Renaissance. The Middle Ages were a period of flourishing philosophy and intellectual search. Philosophy reached its peak in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries with the advent of the philosophical system of Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus. A thoughtful reader will be interested in serious problems raised by great philosophers.
The book is intended for a wide range of readers.