Батыс философиясының жаңа тарихы. 1-том. Антика философиясы

Батыс философиясының жаңа тарихы. 1-том. Антика философиясы

Author: Anthony Kenny
ISBN: 978-601-7943-00-4
ISBN: 978-601-7943-01-1
Language: Kazakh
Publisher: Publishing house “Kazakh University”
Year: 2018
Number of pages: 408

Sir Anthony Canny’s book presents the fascinating story of the birth of philosophy and its heyday in the Mediterranean in Ancient times. This is the first volume of a four-volume book where Canny reveals the vast world of Western philosophy in a new way. Ancient philosophy lasted for more than a thousand years and led to the emergence of such great minds as Thales, Pythagoras, Parmenides, Socrates, Epicurus, Marcus Aurelius and Augustine. This book was written by one of the leading authorities in the field. Instead of high–flown academic statements of well–known facts – about Plato and his cave of shadows, about the ethics of Aristotle, about the Augustinian City of the Gods – we see the main philosophers through the prism of a man who devoted his whole life to thinking about the legacy of ancient thinkers. The scientist not only gives an overview of Aristotle, but also criticizes his thoughts. Canny represents different schools of philosophy, from the Pre-Socratic school to the Epicurean. He examines the development of logic and reason, ancient ideas about physics, metaphysics and ethics, as well as the origin of the first thoughts about the soul and God.The book, written in concise language, with a deep and serious knowledge of the subject, will help the reader in a true understanding of the great philosophers. Canny’s story will be of interest to all those who are interested in the ideas that have shaped the development of Western thought.