Sapiens: Адамзаттың қысқаша тарихы

Sapiens: Адамзаттың қысқаша тарихы

Author: Yuval Noah Harari
ISBN: 978-601-7943-26-4
Language: kazakh
Publisher: Almaty: OF “Ulttyk audarma burosy”
Year: 2018
Number of pages: 368 pages.


This book is one of the most valuable textbooks on the topic of international law, which defines concepts in the field of international law, describes in detail the specific features and basic principles of various legal systems. The second book, consisting of 12 chapters, contains a lot of information about jurisdiction in international law, immunity, State responsibility, inheritance of States, ways of peaceful settlement of disputes, rights and obligations of treaties. The author describes their activities using specific examples, providing information about the structure of the International Court of Justice, the United Nations, the Security Council and other international organizations.
This textbook, translated from the eighth edition into Kazakh, is addressed to students of the Faculty of Law, specialists and teachers-researchers in the field of international law, as well as readers interested in this field of science.