Медиа және журналистика: теория мен практикаға жаңа көзқарас

Медиа және журналистика: теория мен практикаға жаңа көзқарас

Authors: Bainbridge Jason, Gok Nikola, Tynan Liz
ISBN-10: 0195588010
ISBN-13: 978-0195588019
Language: English
Publishing house: Oxford
Year: 2015
Number of pages: 504

“Media and Journalism: New Approaches to theory and practice” is a valuable work that analyzes the pages of the history of the media sphere, from the time of the formation of professional journalism to the stage of recent changes in the media industry, which has become the driving force of society.
The third edition of the book, selected by the world’s leading higher education institutions, will appeal to any reader interested in the topic of the relationship between media and journalism.
The language of the book is simple and interesting. The textbook contains complete background information about the history of the concept of media and journalism, about media industry products, media analysis methods, ways of transmitting news and media content, current and future communications. This allows you to get acquainted with the intricacies of such concepts and processes as the idea in news production, an overview of the flow of information, distribution, negotiation and to see the importance of journalistic research.The main value of the book is that it introduces the basic principles of journalism to a student studying to become a media specialist or an amateur blogger. She not only teaches to speak and show the truth, the ethics of respecting the right of the people to receive information, but also to honestly do her job as a media specialist, in the name of serving society.