Шағын бизнестегі менеджмент: кәсіп бастау және венчурді дамыту

Шағын бизнестегі менеджмент: кәсіп бастау және венчурді дамыту. 18 басылым

Authors: Longenecker G. Justin, Petty J.
ISBN: 978-601-7621-28-5
Language: Kazakh
Publisher: Almaty: OF “National Translation Bureau”
Year: 2020
Number of pages: 704

Small business is the main pillar of the global economy. Most of the world’s funds do not circulate in giant companies, but in small household stores, flower stalls, small coffee shops and sewing workshops. Everyone regularly changes the oil in the car, washes it, gives flowers to loved ones countless times, buys sweet buns for morning tea, shortens the hem of a dress and repairs their house. All this is done by small business entities. Although the textbook you have is based on legislation related to small businesses in the United States, it reveals the secrets of the life and success of entrepreneurs around the world.

This work describes in detail all the stages, starting from the awareness of the entrepreneurial “core” in a person, ending with the creation, growth, development and even inheritance of an enterprise, complementing with examples and cases. The textbook is addressed to students studying economics, management, entrepreneurship, and a wide range of readers who want to learn more about the nature of entrepreneurship.