Жапон философиясының қысқаша тарихы

Жапон философиясының қысқаша тарихы

Author: Kasoulis Thomas P.
ISBN: 978-601-7621-19-3
Language: Kazakh
Publisher: Almaty: OF “National Translation Bureau”
Year: 2020
Number of pages: 804


In this work by the famous American scientist Thomas P. Kosulin, the history of Japanese philosophy from ancient times to the present day is presented in chronological order. The author introduces Japanese philosophers, their works and theories, describing the specifics and concepts of each epoch. The book has scientifically studied and drawn consistent conclusions about the influence on Japanese philosophy of international relations, historical events, schools and academies, religion and politics, which have been founded in the country since time immemorial. The author also analyzes and differentiates discussions about the relationship between the philosophy of the Land of the Rising Sun and the philosophy of the Western world.

The textbook is intended for university students, undergraduates and doctoral students, teachers and the general public interested in the history of philosophy.