Наука об обучении и новая образовательная практика. 2 volume

Kusainov G.M., Kagazbayeva A.K., Abykanova B.T., Aitbayeva D.B., Myltykbaeva L.R., Nugumanova S.B. Наука об обучении и новая образовательная практика.: Study method. manual: In 2 volumes — Nur Sultan – Almaty: TechSmit, 2019. – vol.2. – 296 p.

The teaching aid outlines the main provisions of the new didactics as a science of learning, a new educational practice related to the implementation of key ideas of professional development programs for teachers and managers of the education system in the context of updating the content of education, suggests methods of collective and group learning taking into account best practices, identifies ways to develop multilingualism and change management in school.
The manual is addressed to students of universities and colleges, scientific, pedagogical and pedagogical workers and heads of educational organizations, students of the professional development system.