Организация и руководство дошкольным воспитанием

Turebayeva K.Zh., Zhubatyrova B.T. Организация и руководство дошкольным воспитанием. A study guide. – Almaty, SSK, 2019. – 376 p.

The textbook reveals the content of the proposed topics, includes control questions aimed at consolidating the knowledge of the trainees. During the workshop, the most important and difficult questions of the lecture course are analyzed, the discussion of which will help to master the topic more deeply. Students will be able to express their personal attitude to the methods of organizing and managing preschool education for children. Practical exercises contribute to the development of professional competencies.
The textbook focuses teachers of the specialty on the use of various forms and methods of classroom and independent work of students: taking notes of primary sources, annotating, test control and self-control, etc.