Кәсіптік оқыту әдістемесі

Adamkulov N. M., Kartbaev E. N., Turpaev A. K., Nurbekova S. O., Turlybaev K. H. Кәсіптік оқыту әдістемесі. A textbook for students of universities of secondary schools.- Almaty: TechSmith, 2019.-172 p.

This work is offered for the vocational education system, teachers of “technology” in secondary schools and students of higher educational institutions. The textbook contains the experience of teachers, the pedagogical relevance of the methodological management work of teachers. The educational and methodological manual is addressed to students studying in schools, special educational institutions, colleges in the specialty “vocational education”, containing materials on modern forms and didactic principles of teaching, methods, term papers, graduation papers and methods of passing pedagogical practice.