Патриотическое сознание, убеждение, мировоззрение и личность (методология, теория, практика)

Kim V.A., Kim E.V. Патриотическое сознание, убеждение, мировоззрение и личность (методология, теория, практика): monograph / V.A.Kim, E.V.Kim – Almaty: TechSmith, 2019. – 280 p.

The monograph is distinguished by an unconventional approach to one of the fundamental problems of philosophy, pedagogy, psychology and sociology. Spiritual, moral and patriotic education is considered by the authors as a reflection of social existence and the production of the ideal (ideas, ideas, views, imaginations, etc.). The patterns of spiritual, moral and patriotic consciousness, beliefs and worldviews, the peculiarities of their forms (pedagogical, moral, patriotic, scientific, political, religious, philosophical), their functions and connections are revealed in interaction with socio-polyethnic practice, the real processes of the modern stage of development of a multiethnic society. The monograph is addressed to the founders of the departments of pedagogy and psychology, propagandists, undergraduates, students, school teachers and anyone who independently studies the philosophy of patriotism and internationalism and is interested in them.