Эстетикалық тәрбие негізінде оркестр жетекшілерін даярлау

Alsaitova R. K., Ongarbayeva S. S. Эстетикалық тәрбие негізінде оркестр жетекшілерін даярлау: textbook/ R. K. Alsaitova, S. S. Ongarbayeva-Almaty: SSK, 2019 – 300 p.

Nowadays, the interest in the art of the Kazakh people has increased significantly. The urgent issue of today is the renewal and further development of folk art. In this regard, the children’s orchestra has a special significance and place in the musical art of the Kazakh people with aesthetic education. The manual examines the process of aesthetic education of the leaders of a children’s orchestra through musical art, improving self-esteem, and the formation of independent creative behavior. During the work of the children’s orchestra, an experiment was demonstrated, which is based on a program of introduction to the national musical art.