Көптілділік: теория және практика

Көптілділік: теория және практика: textbook / A. E. Zhumabaeva, S. A. Nurzhanova, A. S. Stambekova, A. A. Kdyrbayeva, A. I. Safargalieva, G. J. Omarova, M. K. Tazhieva, N. T. Sartaeva. – Karaganda, Medet Group LLP, 2019, -144 p.

The textbook “multilingualism: theory and practice” is written in accordance with the principles of society and in solving topical problems of the science of justice. The science of the smokehouse-let it be analyzed on a theoretical basis, I have stated it fairly.
This work is intended for undergraduates and novice teachers, applicants for the specialty “Pedagogy and equity of primary education”.
The textbook has been developed in accordance with the requirements of credit technology, the content of the discipline is disclosed within the framework of 18 modules. The content of the main theoretical materials on each topic consists of blocks for testing theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as blocks that form methodological skills.
The textbook for undergraduates of the specialty 6M010200 – “pedagogy and methods of primary education” can be useful for teachers and students of pedagogical universities and colleges.