Қазақ елі тарихы

E. O. Primbetova / Қазақ елі тарихы: textbook (2nd ed.). Karaganda: Medet Group LLP, 2019. – 336 p.

This textbook is based on the data that the tribes who have lived in the Kazakh country since time immemorial have achieved national degrees and participated in the creation of a separate state. This indicates that the tribes within these states became the basis for the creation of the Kazakh Khanate in the middle of the XV century. The specific features of the historical continuity of the civilization of the Kazakh country are reflected.
The author pays special attention to the formation and development of an independent Kazakh state. In particular, he gives specific information about his path in the development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and his place in the modern international community.
The textbook covers all stages in chronological order and is intended for a wide readership, teachers and students of higher and secondary educational institutions.