Табиғи биологиялық белсенді қосылыстар химиясының негіздері. 1 Valume

Rakhmadieva S. B.  Ghazizova A.D. Tabigi biologiyalyk belsendi kosylystar khimiyasyn negizderi: textbook. Part 1 / S.B.Rakhmadieva, A.D. Ghazizova.- Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019. – 184 p.

The textbook includes information on the structure, distribution, classification, properties, methods of preparation, synthesis, application, and biological functions of the main groups of natural biologically active compounds: prostaglandins, terpenoids, steroids, carbohydrates, nucleotides, phenolic compounds, proteins, peptides, alkaloids, and antibiotics.
The book is provided with control questions for each group of compounds and a list of recommended literature.
The textbook is intended for university students studying in the fields of chemistry, biology and medicine.