Ұлы Даланың көне сарындары. Музыкалық фольклор. Дәстүрлі ән өнері. 1-Volume

Ұлы Даланың көне сарындары: Антология. Three volumes. – Vol. 1: Музыкалық фольклор. Дәстүрлі ән өнері / Responsible Editor: Kaztuganova A.Zh. – Almaty “Brand Book”, 2019. – 752 p. t. 1: Музыкалық фольклор. Дәстүрлі ән өнері.- 2019. 752 p.

The first volume of the anthology “ancient Sari of the Great Steppe” includes Kazakh musical folklore – ancient beliefs, wedding and Azalau saris, children’s folklore; song art – folk songs and works by professional singers and composers. Ancient motifs and selected samples of national music were recorded performed by famous artists with scientific and educational comments in Kazakh, Russian, and English.
The audio recording and the electronic version of the book can be downloaded from popular portals and websites using the QR code displayed.
The anthology is intended for schoolchildren, students of special and higher educational institutions, teachers, and a wide range of readers interested in folk literature.