Көркемдік білім беру тарихы және теориясы

Amirzhanova G.K. Көркемдік білім беру тарихы және теориясы: an educational and methodological guide. – Karaganda: Publishing house “Aknur”, 2018. – 216 p.

The teaching aid reveals the modern significance of art work lessons in the general education system, presents a scientific approach to the content and teaching methods of an educational training course, and examines the possibilities of general development and education of students.
The artistic work proposed to explain the subject in a new way, to include it among the necessary and promising subjects in school.
The educational and methodical manual is intended for students of pedagogical educational institutions: specialties “Pedagogy”, “Design”, “methods of teaching elementary school students to artistic work”, and also helps teachers in organizing developmental training in technology lessons.