Химия высокомолекулярных соединений

Merkulov V.V. Химия высокомолекулярных соединений: a course of lectures / V.V. Merkulov,- Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019.- 180 p.

The textbook for advanced students of the specialty 240404 “Technology of production of high molecular weight compounds” was developed in the development of the curriculum of the discipline “Chemistry of high molecular weight compounds” of the basic level of education.

The study of the discipline “Technology of production of high-molecular compounds” is provided on the basis of basic knowledge on the chemistry of the main technological processes in organic synthesis, the principle of operation and the device of technological installations. The issues of synthesis and processing of IUDs are considered in the aspects of the development of oil refining and petrochemistry: for the near future, as well as: reducing the severity of environmental problems.

When preparing independently using a course of lectures, students are recommended to study lectures together in the materials of textbooks on chemistry and technology of the Navy.

This manual is intended for students, undergraduates of the chemical specialty of technical universities and students of secondary specialized educational institutions.