Органикалық химияның жаттығулары мен есептері

Dautova Z. S., Tazhenova R. A. Органикалық химияның жаттығулары мен есептері. Training manual. Dautova Z. S., Tazhenova R. A.-Almaty, CyberSmith, 2019. -164 р.

Exercises and problems of organic chemistry – theoretical materials corresponding to the curriculum and in order to test and consolidate students ‘ own knowledge, at the end of each topic, problems and exercises, test tasks are included-a manual. There are almost no textbooks in the Kazakh language, so the proposed manual is very important for students of specialties 5B060600, 5b011200 “chemistry” and 5b011300 “Biology”. The general manual is intended for students, school teachers and applicants.