Современная история Казахстана

Aminov T.M. Современная история Казахстана: A textbook./T.M. Aminov – Almaty: “Bastau”. 2019 – 456 p .

The textbook “Modern History of Kazakhstan” is written in accordance with the standard curriculum. It includes the main topics of both traditional and credit-based learning systems used in the educational process of higher education institutions. The course of lectures includes the main historical events that took place on the territory of Kazakhstan from the stage of completion of the formation of the Kazakh nation as a state-forming ethnic group and the formation of the Kazakh Khanate as one of the main prerequisites for the formation of national statehood to the present day. The main section of the educational material is devoted to the study of topical issues of the modern history of the republic, therefore, the study of each historical process is closely linked to the socio-spiritual life of independent Kazakhstan
Control questions are given at the end of each lecture. A list of basic and additional literature is recommended at the end of the textbook.
In addition to the lecture course, the textbook includes assignments for seminars and independent work of students, as well as a glossary.
The textbook is intended for students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, as well as for people interested in the following issues National history.