Мектептегі дене шынықтыру пәнінің оқу үрдісін жоспарлау

Erofeeva R.J., Ableev J.S.  Мектептегі дене шынықтыру пәнінің оқу үрдісін жоспарлау: An educational and methodological guide / R.Zh. Yerofeeva, Zh.Sh. Ableev. — Almaty: SSK, 2020. – 100 p.

The educational and methodological assistant includes methods aimed at the systematic development during the course of pedagogical practice in a secondary school of the method of designing the main documents planned by the student for the educational process, namely the annual plan, the quarterly plan, the preparation of a lesson summary.

The educational and methodological material is presented to students preparing for the practice of the specialty 5B010800 – Physical culture and sports, as well as to all courses of the Faculty of Physical Culture of universities and colleges, mentors, methodologists, principals and heads of schools, teachers of physical culture.