Мал өсіру негіздері

Asylbekov B.Zh. Мал өсіру негіздері: textbook / B.Zh. Asylbekov,- Almaty: SSK 2020,-116 p.

The textbook is intended for students studying in the specialties 5b080200, (050802) – “technology of livestock production”, 5b120100 (5B120200) – “Veterinary medicine” and a number of other agricultural specialties: “animal husbandry”, “Genetics and breeding”, “veterinary genetics”, “fundamentals of animal husbandry”, etc. The first edition has been revised in accordance with the curriculum of professional disciplines.

At Oku, students are also given the opportunity to independently study theoretical and material positions. Moreover, special educational and practical exercises on individual branches of animal husbandry and ways of their correct implementation are shown here.