Система малой и средней эпической формы: аспекты исследования

Kulumbetova A.E. Система малой и средней эпической формы: аспекты исследования: aspects of research / A.E. Kulumbetova – Almaty: Epigraph, 2019 – 380 p.

The book reflects various approaches to the study of the system of content and form of small and medium epic forms on a wide range of Kazakh, Russian, Belarusian classical literature of the XIX – XX centuries.

The methodology and methodology of the systematic consideration of small and medium-sized literary epic text appears in development, including the latest scientific research of the author in the field of system analysis.

The material of the book on the analysis of a work of art is scientific and methodical in nature.

The work is of interest to students and teachers in the in-depth study of the course of Kazakh literature and the work of Russian and Kazakh writers.

It can be useful for both students and teachers in a course on literary theory, as well as graduate students, undergraduates.