Қазақстандағы мұнай тасымалы құбырларының қалыптасуы мен даму тарихы

Abdenov A.Zh.  Қазақстандағы мұнай тасымалы құбырларының қалыптасуы мен даму тарихы (1920-2001 жж.): monograph / A.Zh. Abdenov – Almaty: Epigraph, 2019 – 252 p.

The monograph examines the history of the formation and development of oil pipelines in Kazakhstan and the main problems in them.

From 1920 to the present, new information has been provided on the ways of pipeline transportation of oil from the Ural-Embinsk, Mangystau and other regions, directions of supply of raw materials abroad, as well as on oil specialists. Archival data from Moscow, Almaty, Atyrau, Aktau and Aktobe are widely used in the work.

The monograph is intended for students, undergraduates and teachers and a wide readership.