Ақпараттық жүйелердің сенімділігі

Usenova A.Zh. Ақпараттық жүйелердің сенімділігі: textbook/ A.Zh. Usenova – Almaty: Epigraph, 2019 -136 p.

In this textbook: the main directions of the development of the theory of reliability, the development of the material basis of the theory of reliability, the theory of statistical reliability, terminology of reliability, objects of research, types of reliability, types of failures, the main indicators of reliability and effectiveness, characteristics of random variables and random events, characteristics of random variables and random events, reliability, fault tolerance, correction possibility, durability and safety indicators, typical reliability laws, exponential, Weibull-Gnedenko, uniform, normal, logarithmic normal and generalizing distributions, reliability of non-renewable systems, serial and parallel connections, redundancy, backup devices, backup circuits, etc. are provided.

The textbook is intended for students of the specialty 5B070300 “information systems”.