Қазақстанда шағын және орта бизнесті дамытудың жаңа мүмкіңдіктері

Қазақстанда шағын және орта бизнесті дамытудың жаңа мүмкіңдіктері / N.B. Davletvayeva, M.M.Tatieva, E.P. Fet, A.S. Shaimardan – Almaty: Epigraph, 2019 – 128 p.

This textbook comprehensively examines the problems of the development of modern entrepreneurial activity: a comprehensive market study, identifies the factors influencing entrepreneurial activity, the stages of formation and development of entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also examines the role of the state in the development of entrepreneurial activity.

Special attention in this work was paid to the analysis of the main indicators of the state of small business in Kazakhstan. A significant place in the Republic of Kazakhstan is devoted to the main directions and prospects of small business development.

The textbook is intended for specialists involved in the study of the processes of state support for small and medium-sized businesses in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the development of priority areas for its development, researchers, as well as students studying in economic specialties while studying the course “entrepreneurship”.