Тоқыма материалтануы

Dzhanpaizova V.M., Ashirbekova G.Sh., Turganbayeva A.A. Тоқыма материалтануы: A textbook / V.M. Dzhanpaizova, G.Sh. Ashirbekova, A.A.Turganbayeva.Almaty: Epigraph, 2019, -208 p.

The textbook is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and program of the discipline “textile materials science” for full-time students of the specialty 5B073300 – “technology and design of textile materials” and contains all the necessary information related to the discipline. Contains brief information about textile materials science. It is written about the properties of textile materials, the scope of application.The issues of obtaining and processing natural and chemical fibers are considered. The main indicators reflecting the quality of textile fabrics are considered.