Қытай тарихы: ежелгі заман және ортағасырлар

Қытай тарихы: ежелгі заман және ортағасырлар: A textbook. /Tursynkhan Zakonuly Kayyrken.- Almaty: Epigraph, 2019. -296 p.

This textbook is based on the works of famous modern historians Jian Bozan, Yu Ximan and Su Beihai and others. The history of China in the early and Middle Ages, statehood and the development of science and culture, communication with neighboring ethnic groups, as well as the influence of nomadic ethnic groups on Chinese history and culture, statehood are as universal as the reader remembers, written with interesting material. The textbook is intended for students and undergraduates of universities of Kazakhstan in the fields of history, Oriental studies, regional studies and international relations, a wide range of readers interested in the history of China.