Болашақ музыка мұғалімінің сөйлеу мәдениетін қалыптастыру

Taubaldieva Zh, Orazbayev Sh.E. Болашақ музыка мұғалімінің сөйлеу мәдениетін қалыптастыру. A study guide. Taubaldieva Zh, Orazbaev Sh.E. – Almaty, -Epigraph, 2019.-116 p.

The textbook, written on the topic of the formation of the speech culture of the future music teacher, is presented on the basis of the latest innovations in science, which is based on the methods and techniques of the speech culture of the future music teacher. The textbook is intended for students of the specialty 5B010600 “music education”.

At the same time, this textbook helps to ensure the personal skills, creativity, and professional scientific competence of a future music teacher through the culture of speech of students, scientific supervisors, and methodologists during the period of pedagogical educational work.