Мембраны и мембранные технологии

Ergozhin E.E., Chalov T.K., Khakimbolatova K.H. Мембраны и мембранные технологии. – Almaty, 2017. – 260 p.

The monograph summarizes the results of theoretical and experimental research in the field of synthesis and application of ion-exchange and semi-permeable synthetic membranes as the main component of modern waste-free environmentally friendly technologies. The methods of obtaining homogeneous, heterogeneous and bipolar ion exchange membranes for electrodialysis, as well as rapidly developing polymer semipermeable membranes for baromembrane processes – reverse osmosis, ultra-, micro- and nanofiltration are considered.

The features of the kinetics and mechanism of formation of ion-exchange and semipermeable polymer membranes of various types synthesized by polymerization or polycondensation of various monomers and chemical modification of finished membranes are discussed. The results of studies on increasing their selective permeability, physico-mechanical and electrochemical properties are presented.

Promising areas of their practical application have been identified to solve urgent problems of water treatment, industrial wastewater treatment with the extraction of valuable components, separation of gas and liquid mixtures at high pressures and intensive mass transfer regimes.

The book is intended for scientific and engineering staff engaged in the field of chemistry and chemical technology of high molecular weight compounds and ion exchange, organic synthesis, hydrometallurgy, oil refining and environmental protection, as well as for teachers, PhD doctoral students, undergraduates and students of chemical and chemical technology specialties of higher educational institutions.