
Sokolov S.V. – N. Novgorod: VGIPU;
Narmatov S.R. -Taraz: M.H. TarMU named after Dulati.
Этика: a textbook/ S.V. Sokolov, S.R. Narmatov,- Almaty: TechSmith, 2020.- 280 p.

Post-industrialization, globalization, deepening processes of the ecological and demographic crisis, intercivilizational conflicts, good and evil, good and evil, honor and dishonor, the meaning of life and death of people, etc. increased attention to ethical problems studying concepts. Ethical orientations, unlike scientific and technical ones, allow people to look clearly into the unknown future. The book systematically outlines the main moral problems, categories of ethics, the history of the development of morality, the ethical meaning of historical events, in particular, in Russia. This textbook is for students, teachers and anyone interested in modern moral and ethical issues.