Профессиональная ориентация: практическое руководство

Kusainov G.M., Tanirbergenova A.Sh., Ishengeldieva M.G. Профессиональная ориентация: практическое руководство: a methodological guide / G.M. Kusainov, A.Sh. Tanirbergenova, M.G. Ishengeldieva-Almaty: Teschsmith, 2020 – 108 p.

The methodological guide examines the issues of the essence and content, the features of career guidance, the development of skills of the XXI century in accordance with the specialties in demand in the future, the formation of diagnostic skills

the professional orientation and abilities of students, planning joint work with parents on the formation and implementation of a model of personal development of students in choosing a profession.

The manual is addressed to students, teachers and psychologists of educational organizations, coaches and trainers, and the parent community.