Методика испытаний подвижного состава

Musaev Zh.S., Solonenko V.G. Методика испытаний подвижного состава: a textbook / Zh.S. Musaev, V.G. Solonenko.- Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021.- 244 p.

The textbook covers the main types of wagon tests: laboratory and bench tests, static, dynamic (running), impact tests on the track, wagon collision tests, vibration tests. The types of load cells used in testing wagons are indicated. The basic data on measuring instruments and devices, dynamometers for measuring vertical-dynamic forces and transverse horizontal forces; strain gauge amplifiers of measured signals are presented. A method for determining measurement errors of experimental data is given.

It is intended for students of railway transport universities, as well as for researchers and engineering and technical workers involved in testing rolling stock.