Исследование и оценка декоративных и редких растении юга Казахстана

Abduova A.A. Исследование и оценка декоративных и редких растении юга Казахстана: textbook / Abduova A.A. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. -220 p.

The textbook is compiled in accordance with the requirements, containing a complete and comprehensive study on the assessment of ornamental and rare plants of the South of Kazakhstan, includes all the necessary information on teaching and performing classes in this direction.

The textbook is intended for specialists, teachers and students in the field of “Environmental protection”.

The monograph was reviewed and recommended for consideration by the meeting of the Department of Ecology (Protocol No. 8 dated 03/27/2020) and the Methodological Council of the Higher School of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (Protocol No. 8 dated 03/26/2020)