Управление геомеханическими процессами подземных горных работ

Demin V.F. Управление геомеханическими процессами подземных горных работ: A textbook / V.F.Demin; Karaganda State Technical University. – Almaty: CyberSmith Publishing House, 2021. – 272 p.

The textbook is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the curricula and programs of the discipline “Management of geomechanical processes of underground mining” and includes theoretical information on the definition of the stress-strain state of the mountain range, methodological guidelines for the implementation of practical work developed at the department of software complexes that allow automating decision-making to improve the basic and auxiliary processes of mining.

The textbook includes modern scientific knowledge on geomechanical processes occurring in coal-rock massifs with their research using computational methods with computer calculations, as well as various methods of modeling mining operations during underground mining of stratified mineral deposits.

The textbook is intended for students of the specialty 5B070700 “Mining”.