Higher mathematics

Mukhtarov M., the associate professor of S. Toraigyrov PGU. Burgumbayeva S.K. Higher mathematics. Educational and Teaching Aid. Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 156 p.

The educational and teaching aid “Higher mathematics” in English, meets the requirements of educational process and contents of programs for discipline of “Higher mathematics” for students of technical specialties.

Contains short theoretical data, solutions of standard tasks separate sections of mathematics (Linear algebra, elements of vector algebra, analytical geometry, linear (vector) space, mathematical analysis -1, the complex numbers, elements of the higher algebra, discrete mathematics, elements of mathematical logic, the column and network) important for expanded use of mathematical methods in professional activity are analyzed.

Theorems, definitions, formulas and other data according to the theory are provided in an educational and methodical grant, detailed solutions of characteristic tasks are given further.

Problems of discipline of a course consist in orientation of students on expanded use of mathematical methods in professional activity.