Автоматизированный электропривод. Part 1

Lapina L.M. Автоматизированный электропривод. Part 1: Textbook / L.M. Lapina, M.L. Karakulin – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021- 116 p.

The manual is the first part of the lecture course “Automated electric drive”. The textbook outlines the basics of electric drive mechanics, the processes of electromechanical energy conversion, the electromechanical properties of electric motors, the mechanical characteristics of electric motors and production mechanisms. The methods of starting, reversing and operating modes of DC and AC electric drives are considered.

This manual can be used by students of the specialty “Automation and control” when studying the discipline “Automated electric drive”, as well as by students of the specialty “Electric Power Engineering” when studying the discipline “Theory of automated electric drive”.