Современные строительные материалы и конструкции

Serova R.F. Современные строительные материалы и конструкции /Serova R.F., Seidinova G.A. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 112 p.

This textbook is compiled in accordance with the curriculum of the course “Modern building materials and structures” for students of construction specialties. The purpose of the textbook is to provide future bachelors with the necessary information in the field of building materials, products and structures, design, construction of buildings, structures and industrial enterprises, organization and technology of construction production.

When presenting the material, it was taken into account that, in accordance with the curricula, students studied a number of disciplines related to the course “Modern Building Materials and structures”, such as geodesy, resistance of materials, structural mechanics, building structures, etc. This course is the basis for such special disciplines as industrial enterprise design, composite materials, etc. Studying it will help students in completing course and diploma projects.