Профессиональная цифровая грамотность. Volume 2

Bukharbayev M.A. Профессиональная цифровая грамотность: an educational and methodological guide. Volume 2 / M.A. Bukharbayev, G.S. Aitkaliev, V.N. Kazagachev, A.M. Sagynova – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 396 p.

The training manual is compiled in accordance with the discipline program and is intended for the study of digital literacy; the formation of students’ necessary knowledge and skills in the field of digital technologies, allowing students to successfully adapt to new economic conditions, increase the level of safe and effective use of digital technologies and online services in various spheres of life.

For students of the specialties B07111 – Automation and control, 5B011100 – Computer Science, 6B06112 – “Computer engineering and software”, 6B06111 -“Information systems”.