Information and communication technologies

Jussupbekova G.T. The textbook «Information and communication technologies» / Jussupbekova G.T., Besbayev G.A., Akhmetova S.T., Rakhymbek N. Zh., Turganbekova M.M., Belesova D.T. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 220 p.

The textbook has been drawn up in accordance with the curriculum and course program on discipline «Information and communication technologies» and includes all necessary information on carrying-out of laboratory connected with themes.

It has the practical foundations of information and communications technologies, and produced an overview of the software, the basics of algorithms and programming languages, the E-technology, e-business, e-leaming, e-govemment; data transmission equipment in local area networks and the Internet, computer security basics.

The textbook contains all instructions for performance of practical and questions for students.

It can be used for exam preparation on computer science in schools and universities, as well as in the systems and institutions of distance and additional education.