Вскрытие и подготовка месторождений при подземных горных работах

Demin V.F. Вскрытие и подготовка месторождений при подземных горных работах: A textbook / V.F. Demin, E.A. Abeuov; Karaganda State Technical University. – – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021.-92 p.

The textbook is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the curricula and programs of the discipline “Opening and preparation of deposits during underground mining” and includes the necessary information on the implementation of practical work.

The textbook also outlines the main theoretical issues of the technology of underground mining of stratified mineral deposits. Classical and promising methods of preparation and opening of reservoir deposits, principles of their design and determination of rational parameters, examples of solving specific design and production tasks are presented.

The textbook is intended for undergraduate students of the specialty 6B07202 “Mining”.