Электрические сети и системы

Ibragimova O.V. Электрические сети и системы. Textbook for students of technical specialties / S.V. Ibragimova. — Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021.- 160 p.

The textbook discusses the issues studied by the discipline “Electrical networks and systems”. The theoretical material covers the topics of the course taught for students of the specialty “Electric Power Engineering”: elements and design of electrical networks; replacement circuits and parameters of power lines and power transformers; determination of power losses in elements and voltage in network nodes; practical methods for calculating open and closed electrical systems. The theoretical material is accompanied by examples of calculations. The appendix contains the reference data necessary to complete the individual task of designing the electrical network of an industrial area.

It is intended for students of technical specialties, as well as teachers of colleges, universities and specialists working in the electroeneogetic field.