Детская литература и практикум по выразительному чтению

Urazbakova U.T., Urazbaev K.M., Dzhakhaeva A.P. Детская литература и практикум по выразительному чтению.  Almaty: CyberSmith. 2021 – 204 p.

The textbook is intended for students of the specialty 5B010200, OP 6B01310 – “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”.

Compiled in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and the program of the discipline “Children’s literature and a workshop on expressive reading”.

The textbook contains a systematic course of children’s literature and a workshop on expressive reading. The questions and tasks of the textbook are aimed at organizing in-depth work of students.

The personality-oriented nature of the textbook allows its use in classroom and extracurricular (independent) work of students.