History of suit and fashion

Sabyrkhanova S. Sh. Educational and methodical manual on discipline “History of suit and fashion” discussed and approved at faculty meeting of TandFI Sabyrkhanova S. Sh. — Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. — 152 p.

The educational and methodical manual is written in accordance with s the curriculum and is intended for students of higher educational institutions  trained on a speciality 5B072600 -“Technology and construction of light industry products”. In the educational and methodical manual set out the purpose, objectives, content, practical and independent work, as well as control questions to test the knowledge of students and requirements to execute the work.

It designed to consolidate and deepen the theoretical knowledge gamed by students, as well as to obtain practical skills in the development of creative thinking involved in the creation of clothing that should be well oriented in matters of fashion and style.The content of training is interconnected, so the ultimate goal-the fomtatibn of the qualities of a specialist, causes the integration of professional and socia] knowledge in the garment industry and the choice of optimal methods and,means of training.